Decision Making & What to Wear?

I realised that I started, unconsciously, applying my professional decision making techniques to personal choices in fashion.

I have never been a big fashion follower, and while doing a spring clear I noticed that my wardrobe became very simplified. I prefer classic, timeless pieces. No patterns, no special materials, no bright colours, no white. I like dresses. All of my trousers and skirts are pretty much in the same colour: black or navy. I only have shoes in 3 colours: black, nude and grey.

Doesn’t sound too exciting – but hey – whatever I grab from my wardrobe it all fits together. There is no extra thinking required, especially at those difficult morning hours. And in case I am suddenly unable to even select which top should go with which bottoms, I just grab a dress: all in one piece, no hassle.

I’ve only realised what I had been doing when I read Anna Vital’s experiment. Anna is the co-founder of Funders and Founders and amazing infographic creator. I bet you’ve heard about her before. The experiment, if I remember well, was to wear the same black dress for 60 days – make it her uniform to save time on selecting what to wear. Then it clicked, my wardrobe is my ‘black dress’. I have minimised the number of choices available to make the decision making process as quick as possible. It works efficiently, but the chances are if you are a guy you probably still don’t understand what I’m talking about 😉 The lesson here is to apply the same technique to all other part of life: eliminate unnecessary choices and ones that overcomplicate the situation, simplify,  make quick decisions and move on.


One thought on “Decision Making & What to Wear?

  1. Nithya Sivakumar says:

    You’ve got a real time saver there Monika. I guess we could also apply it to vacation packing. It helps to really keep it minimal and simple too.

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