Tag Archives: Arianna Huffington

Remind yourself to Thrive

Update 1 : I wrote this post on a plane to Israel, which was end of March and it took me over 6 weeks to upload it here – that’s a big red flag! Where has this time gone! Especially that the post was about thriving and living a balanced life – serves me well as a reminder. Hope you’ll enjoy and share with me your tips for thriving.

Update 2: I have gone down from reading 9 books to reading 3 books as of now and if you’re such a big book worm as me let’s become friends on Goodreads. Over there I keep a list of books I’ve read, currently reading and would like to read.

So here’s the original post, dated 28/03/2014. I’m hopping on a twice longer flight tomorrow, so hopefully more to come soon..


Arianna Huffington is right.

As if I’m not already reading 9 different books right now (in parallel, depending on my mood), I couldn’t stop myself from picking out the latest book by Arianna Huffington at the airport. ‘Thrive’ is about all the things other than money and power that drive us and give satisfaction. According to Arianna our 4 key ‘life goals’ should also be: well-being, wonder, wisdom and giving. I realised that I’ve actually been discussing them all at different times with most of my friends; and it links well with plenty other books I read in the last couple of months. Take ‘Drive’ which explains what drives people and guess what – only half is driven by extrinsic rewards, others are mostly driven and happy when they do something meaningful.

Why am I writing about this… I believe that our generation will massively change how people work. Hell yeah – we’re already doing it. Check out what folks do at Netflix and how they re-invented HR: no one counts your holiday (why should they, do you count your evenings spent working), they always look for A players and reward them accordingly (forget the bell curve appraisals, it work only if you also have B, C and D players in your team or is greatly unjust).

Millennials setting up companies know that work must be fun or we’ll all get bored or burnt out. We know we can work hard, but it needs to be recognised. We also know we need balance, as when we have time to do things we like, take care of our physical and mental well being, and hang out with people who enrich us – we perform better. I’m not even going to attach any scientific or research references to this, as there has been too many to choose form.

So let’s not forget about the importance of well-being, wonder, wisdom and giving and may this post serve you as a reminder to thrive. 
