Tag Archives: Classical music

Creativity or rather lack of it

You should have noticed by now that I am not a very ‘creative’ person – I don’t have any fancy themes, no pictures so far, and I am also not very creative with coming up with blog names. Deal with it. It doesn’t matter… For year I even fought against this label ‘creative’ to be put on me. How can I be creative if I’m so logical, practical and left-brained? Well – I actually can. I can be very creative with problem solving, coming up with new ideas, even though I am not very artistic.

Everyone in fact has got some kind of creativity inside them but it may be just having a long winter sleep. There are ways to awaken it. Usually those ways will make you feel uncomfortable, but that’s what it takes to make you go out of your way and try something different, a new way of doing things, different approach. Sometimes if you’re facing a ‘creative block’ and can’t find a solution to a problem or a new idea – put yourself in someone else’s shoes. How would this girl do it / how would he go about it?

Another way that helps me is to awaken your senses. Smell the flowers, taste your food (you can force yourself by getting blind-folded), listen to classical music – whichever way you choose just focus on the sense that is leading for that activity. Somehow, even though I am not artistic myself, I appreciate work of art and it opens up new ways of perceiving things around me and as a result – affects my own creativity. There are many more ways, but I’ll stop here for now – maybe you can share your tricks in comments?

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